Friday, November 30, 2012

NOVEMBER...6 hours to go!!

This is my November picture that I planned to use for Thanksgiving.....knowing my luck with getting pictures from camera to computer and then on a blog.....I feel very fortunate to get it here before the very last. minute of November....6 hours before December 1!

Sooooo...with all of this in mind....I trust you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. That all tummies were filled, love and family traditions were in place, and joy and anticipation for the holiday season was  the order of the day!  We have so much to be thankful for.

This picture is looking across our front porch toward the West...just thought it looked so much like the gray of a November day, and yet the warm autumn colors reminded me of the peace and love within our home.  We can not use real pumpkins in our Fall decor as we have an army of squirrels who believe they are put there for the sole purpose of being devoured within moments....what a mess they make!

As I write this my mind is swirling with all I hope to accomplish in the next week.  The porch will be glowing with tiny lights, greens, berries, twigs, grasses, sumac, pinecones....window box and buckets shop looking more like Christmas(hope my small heater helps so I can be out there).

 Have been decorating at the Bethlehem Historical Assn.  this last week.  Each year several organizations use the museum for their holiday function, as well as the association using it for their long standing tradition of a Silver Tea which will be on Sunday and Monday 1-4.  Public welcome.  The theme this year is "Christmas in Bethlehem".  We all have a great time pulling this together and the results are just wonderful!  I love being part of this, and learn so much every year.  If you are in the area this weekend, please take the time to visit this wonderful old one room schoolhouse that houses the Historical Assn.  There actually is tea served from a lovely old silver service....and wonderful sweets from the homes of our members.

Please remember "Contentment is bliss".....I am thankful!