Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hanging out in thekitchen......

Just looking "things" over to add some fall decorations......yes, I know the Indian corn garland is
Fall....it hangs there all year.....hmmmm...maybe I will put it somewhere else and put up something different.  I had a great time making this after a trip to Ohio for the Country Living Show two years ago.  WOW!!  What a great time we had!  Stayed in the area for a week and didn't see the tip of the iceberg.....or  all that I would love to go back to see......for at least 6 months!!  That might be enough time.....want sooo badly to travel around the Waynesville area!

Speaking of shows....wish I could be at the"Walker Homestead Show" in Brookfield MA this weekend!  We were at their wholesale show this past summer....it was great!  Such nice people to deal with.  Why don't we go.....can't possibly.....our grandaughter is being married this weekend.....wouldn't miss this happy occasion for the world!  Walker Homestead next Spring!!!

Had a wonderful weekend in my shop....lots of new, very excited to find us, people.  I loved all their comments as they browsed around.....and took home "treasures". Will be open again on Friday, October 5...or always by chance or appointment.  Hope YOU will get a chance to stop in!

"Contentment is BLISS"......

Saturday, September 15, 2012

A happy spot....

Guess what you are looking at?  Yes ..flowers in a black iron cauldron....a pump....a wagon wheel...a potato barrel....my wonderful outdoor clock .....clematis, lilac, lily-of-the-valley......Give up?  This is part of our house...on the back.....with a window .....it is a wonderful 2-holer OUTHOUSE!  I love it!!  When we were looking at this house to buy, this was one of the old characteristics of the house that caught our eye.  Years ago(we have lived here 33 years) when we had large backyard gatherings, we let people "use" this if they were so inclined!  I don't think anyone ever did, but it sure was viewed by many.  Today it is used for storage of outdoor garden decorations in the off-season.
My shop has been open the last couple of Sundays and will be tomorrow...11 til 5.  Next weekend I will be open both Saturday and Sunday.  Will post my hours after I talk with my daughter....her shop "My Golden Leaf at Maple Shade Farm" will be open also.  AND THERE IS A BONUS NEXT WEEKEND....WE WILL BE HAVING A HUGE YARD SALE at her farm.  Will post more as the week progresses.

Thanks for visiting my blog.....I'm still looking for your comments.....this is such fun!

Contentment is bliss!!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Do you ever just look at odds and ends and find yourself drawn to things you have no idea what they are?
I'm always drawn to older pieces of wood.....these had some sort of function,I'm sure......maybe something to do with weaving.....or the loom itself?  Do you have any ideas?  I'd love to hear what you think.  They were found in a Vermont barn and followed me home to hang in my shop!  The photo is way too light to do the patina much justice.

Hope you are enjoying your day.  I'm off to the barn to start sorting things for our yard sale to be held on September 22 and 23 at our daughter's and son-in-law's ........Maple Shade Farm on Lasher Road in Selkirk.  Should be a fun day!

Contentment is bliss......

Monday, September 3, 2012

Browsing my shop......

What an afternoon......have been in my shop most of the day......like yesterday lots of new friends and many returning friends.  Some from years ago. See what happens when you are finally open again.  I am loving it all over again!!  Thank you all for the support and interest in this adventure that seems new each day!!

These cans are on part of a shelf in one of my cupboards....I love the "used" look of each one of them....wonder why someone kept them? 

Bought a few "new" treasures this last Friday at an estate sale....will try to take some pictures and post them.  Hope you all had a great holiday weekend.  The weather has been fantastic!  Looking forward to great fall days and visits from my friends......old and new.

"Contentment is bliss"