Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hanging out in thekitchen......

Just looking "things" over to add some fall decorations......yes, I know the Indian corn garland is
Fall....it hangs there all year.....hmmmm...maybe I will put it somewhere else and put up something different.  I had a great time making this after a trip to Ohio for the Country Living Show two years ago.  WOW!!  What a great time we had!  Stayed in the area for a week and didn't see the tip of the iceberg.....or  all that I would love to go back to see......for at least 6 months!!  That might be enough time.....want sooo badly to travel around the Waynesville area!

Speaking of shows....wish I could be at the"Walker Homestead Show" in Brookfield MA this weekend!  We were at their wholesale show this past summer....it was great!  Such nice people to deal with.  Why don't we go.....can't possibly.....our grandaughter is being married this weekend.....wouldn't miss this happy occasion for the world!  Walker Homestead next Spring!!!

Had a wonderful weekend in my shop....lots of new, very excited to find us, people.  I loved all their comments as they browsed around.....and took home "treasures". Will be open again on Friday, October 5...or always by chance or appointment.  Hope YOU will get a chance to stop in!

"Contentment is BLISS"......


  1. Good morning Faith,
    I am so glad you came too my blog and commented!
    I would have replied but it is a 'noreply-comment@blogger.com' as you do not have your e-mail listed in your profile...SO I CAME HERE TO THANK YOU!
    And I'm so happy I did...what a wonderful place to visit.
    I just now became a follower too.
    I also looked at your link for your shop...oh my goodness lady how beautiful.
    If I ever get in your area you can be sure I will stop in and for Walker Homestead...a dream of mine to go there.
    I've also wanted to go to the Country Living show...guess I'll have to put these things on my 'bucket list'.

    1. Hi Karen!
      Thank you sooo much for commenting on my blog...you are the first ever! Have been viewing your blog for some time and have loved all your preparations for Fall..you really got me enthused and moving! Would love to have you visit my shop! We would have a great time swapping ideas...or we could "treasure hunt" together!
      Bucket lists are great.....especially when you get to cross off "fun stuff"!
      Contentment is always bliss....
