Thursday, March 14, 2013

SPRING is coming........????

Good Evening!  Can you believe I have actually gotten some pix on my blog once again!!!  I can NOT!!  These are random shots of my shop as I am waiting for Spring!  Yes!  I am open this weekend!  Saturday 10 - 4 and Sunday 12 - 4.  Hope YOU are planning on stopping by.....

We are planning to be open the first and third weekends of each month, some exceptions, until the weekend before Christmas.  We are always open "by chance" or appointment, just give me a call. If you are planning a trip in this direction, I will surely be happy to have you stop in.

Have added some new merchandise and plan to do so each week.  Have lots of goodies tucked away to bring out!
Happy antiquing!  And Happy St. Patrick's Day!    "Contentment is Bliss!"   Faith

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ssssssssooooooo....this is my December Post!  Well it was supposed to know the one that says "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours"...I'm either quite late...or maybe very early for this year!  With help of my friend Sharon, I'm trying again to show you what the inside of my shop looks like.  Took tons of pictures.  It will take months for me to get them all on here...don't worry, I don't plan on boring you with more Christmas holiday season ,on time, Lord willing! Hope you enjoy these shots.  That it will entice you to come to the shop one day.  Will look for you by chance or appointment until April when schedules will be more exact.  Please feel free to call anytime.....I can open my door for you to enjoy..... 518-767-2986.  Remember I am in a barn , dress warm as my heater is small.  Hoping you will brave the weather and give me a call.   By the way,  I really to wish you a happy and blessed new year! 
"Contentment is always bliss"!  Faith

Friday, December 7, 2012

Oh Christmas tree......

What fun I have had decorating my shop for Christmas ....this is the first time ..ever.  I've always decorated extensively in our home.  We have been on a couple of the Christmas house tours which means you get in the spirit very early in the season.  For the last 10 or more years I have been involved with the historical associations Christmas decorations....which is over for this year.  With the shop done, I can concentrate on the inside of the house...can't wait to unwrap all the favorite things.

Have done most of  the outside decorations.....just a few more container to fill with greens around the yard.

Friday, November 30, 2012

NOVEMBER...6 hours to go!!

This is my November picture that I planned to use for Thanksgiving.....knowing my luck with getting pictures from camera to computer and then on a blog.....I feel very fortunate to get it here before the very last. minute of November....6 hours before December 1!

Sooooo...with all of this in mind....I trust you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. That all tummies were filled, love and family traditions were in place, and joy and anticipation for the holiday season was  the order of the day!  We have so much to be thankful for.

This picture is looking across our front porch toward the West...just thought it looked so much like the gray of a November day, and yet the warm autumn colors reminded me of the peace and love within our home.  We can not use real pumpkins in our Fall decor as we have an army of squirrels who believe they are put there for the sole purpose of being devoured within moments....what a mess they make!

As I write this my mind is swirling with all I hope to accomplish in the next week.  The porch will be glowing with tiny lights, greens, berries, twigs, grasses, sumac, pinecones....window box and buckets shop looking more like Christmas(hope my small heater helps so I can be out there).

 Have been decorating at the Bethlehem Historical Assn.  this last week.  Each year several organizations use the museum for their holiday function, as well as the association using it for their long standing tradition of a Silver Tea which will be on Sunday and Monday 1-4.  Public welcome.  The theme this year is "Christmas in Bethlehem".  We all have a great time pulling this together and the results are just wonderful!  I love being part of this, and learn so much every year.  If you are in the area this weekend, please take the time to visit this wonderful old one room schoolhouse that houses the Historical Assn.  There actually is tea served from a lovely old silver service....and wonderful sweets from the homes of our members.

Please remember "Contentment is bliss".....I am thankful!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012



Here I am again....just wrote 3 paragraphs and lost them!   Have no idea what is happening, so will try
again.....I think I have become so absorbed in Fall colors, in the two weeks that I have not touched this computer that my know-how is disappearing as fast as the leaves are falling!  Thank God for my young friend, Sharon.  She is a great friend to me and a wiz at the computer.

What are you looking at?  This is one of the back corners in my shop...the dark object filled with straw, our home grown pumpkins and gourds, and road side bittersweet is a rockers!!  I  love the look.  It is sitting on a long country table that holds many treasures.  On the opposite end there is a child's school desk....which I have a picture of, but can't seem to get to....maybe tomorrow!

Have traveled to Vermont and Maine in the last couple of weeks with our families and our children.  Great time was had by all.  Seafood in Maine...YUMMMM.  Found some great treasures....some for the shop, BUT some for me to enjoy for awhile!  I can't part with the firkins...yet.  Am looking for spice drawers for my kitchen, preferably in old paint.  Love the search.....and the quest!

Will have my shop open the next few weekends...Fridays and Saturdays...10 til 5.  Sundays,too, if we are around.  It is always posted on  Country Collectibles facebook.....and of course, by chance or appointment.

Hoping YOU are enjoying these beautiful days of Autumn in all it's glory!


"Contentment is bliss".....and so is finally posting this blog!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012



This is my third try at getting a message under this picture....frustration ,plus!  I'm out of time to write much so will have to state my business quickly...I'm having a FALL GATHERINGS event ,Friday and Saturday, 10-5.  If you are in the area, please stop in for a friendly chat.......and cider and cookies!  Have a great day. 

"contentment is bliss"  especially if this message publishes this time!  Faith

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hanging out in thekitchen......

Just looking "things" over to add some fall decorations......yes, I know the Indian corn garland is hangs there all year.....hmmmm...maybe I will put it somewhere else and put up something different.  I had a great time making this after a trip to Ohio for the Country Living Show two years ago.  WOW!!  What a great time we had!  Stayed in the area for a week and didn't see the tip of the iceberg.....or  all that I would love to go back to see......for at least 6 months!!  That might be enough time.....want sooo badly to travel around the Waynesville area!

Speaking of shows....wish I could be at the"Walker Homestead Show" in Brookfield MA this weekend!  We were at their wholesale show this past was great!  Such nice people to deal with.  Why don't we go.....can't possibly.....our grandaughter is being married this weekend.....wouldn't miss this happy occasion for the world!  Walker Homestead next Spring!!!

Had a wonderful weekend in my shop....lots of new, very excited to find us, people.  I loved all their comments as they browsed around.....and took home "treasures". Will be open again on Friday, October 5...or always by chance or appointment.  Hope YOU will get a chance to stop in!

"Contentment is BLISS"......